01:16duration 1 minute 16 seconds
David Ponn - Temple Ner Tamid
01:46duration 1 minute 46 seconds
Arthur Schawbel - Temple Aliyah
01:49duration 1 minute 49 seconds
Mark Gelfand - Temple Emeth
01:39duration 1 minute 39 seconds
Rick Pike - Congregation Beth Israel of the…
Rick Pike - Congregation Beth Israel of the Merrimack Valley
01:45duration 1 minute 45 seconds
Robert Kaplan - Congregation Ahavas Achim
01:26duration 1 minute 26 seconds
Scott Lerman - Temple Emunah of Lexington
01:28duration 1 minute 28 seconds
Sonny Michelson - Temple Israel Sharon
01:27duration 1 minute 27 seconds
Dan Zwelling - Temple Israel Natick